Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury, the Advisor on Foreign Affairs in the interim government of Bangladesh says that the letter which Hilary Clinton and fourteen other senators have sent where they have called for announcing the election schedule is not a pressure on Bangladesh.
Dr Chowdhury said that this only proves that the US takes keen interests on Bangladesh. He said that the government would certainly reply to queries done by overseas countries but at the same time all preparations are taken to hold the election by 2008. The government is pledged to hold the election by the end of 2008.
Dr Chowdhury said this goal has been fixed and the interim government would not remain in power a day more than required to hand in power to a government elected through a free, fair and acceptable election. He said steps would be taken, including the steps for lifting emergency, slowly and gradually.
Dr Iftekhar Chowdhury added that the US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher and the Deputy Assistant Secretary John Gastright are likely to visit Bangladesh next month.