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Hello Washington: Iraq War: After 5 Years

The topic of discussion for today’s Hello Washington is Iraq War: After 5 Years.

Our distinguished panelists are Dr. Rahman Khan and Dr. Tapati Basu.

Dr. Zillur Rahman Khan, Rosebush Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, USA, is an eminent political scientist. Dr. Khan is the former Chairman of Political Science Department.

Professor Tapati Basu is the Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calcutta. She is also the Co-ordinator DSA (UGC) Department of Journalism & Mass Communication.

Callers asked a range of questions including -- Will the new administration take steps for troops withdrawal? How is Iraq War going to effect world economy? If there is no security, what is the use of democracy, freedom of speech? US couldn't find WMD in Iraq, so what was the real cause of this war? Is the world safer now?

Roquia Haider conducted the show.
