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Netanyahu Calls Gaza Withdrawal a 'Mistake'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip four years ago was a mistake that will not be repeated.

Mr. Netanyahu told his Cabinet Sunday that the pullout in 2005 did not bring peace or security. Two years later, the Palestinian militant faction Hamas, which opposes peace with Israel, battled rival faction Fatah to take control of Gaza.

In the West Bank town of Bethlehem Sunday, some 2,300 delegates from Fatah were in the sixth day of the party's first convention in 20 years. They will elect members to Fatah's most important decision-making bodies -- the Central Committee and the Revolutionary Council.

On Saturday, Fatah re-elected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as its leader.

In his victory speech, Mr. Abbas vowed to liberate Palestinian land occupied by Israel and establish an independent Palestinian state.

Mr. Abbas's administration, based in the West Bank, has been involved in a now-stalled peace process with Israel.

Fatah has adopted several resolutions in recent days calling for the liberation of Jerusalem, the dismantling of Israeli settlements and the return of Palestinian refugees.

Before Sunday's Israeli Cabinet meeting, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said views being expressed at the Fatah conference are not promising, and he said there is no solution for the Middle East other than a comprehensive peace deal.

Israel mounted a three-week military offensive into Gaza early this year, saying it needed to stop cross-border rocket attacks by Hamas and other militant groups.