P. Chidambaram, the Central Minister for Home Affairs has called upon the Maoists in West Bengal and elsewhere to give up violence and join the peace talks. For a long time, he has been saying that the Maoists must surrender their weapons before any peace talk can begin. Now he has softened his approach and invited them to talk without any such condition. The only required condition is that they set aside hate. Then they can move towards negotiations.
Kishenji, a Maoist leader has declared that they will not step towards any such negotiation until the government holds back the federal forces that are attacking the Maoist forces around India. In turn he has warned the government that there will be more violence in 2010. The government does not understand to what extent poverty has affected the Maoist people. He warns that their reaction will prove to be dangerous.
The rebels have been fighting for communist rule in many Indian states. In the last 20 years, this has led to about 6,000 deaths.