A United Nations spokesman says Iraq has agreed to provide arms inspectors with a new report on stocks of anthrax and deadly V-X nerve gas Baghdad says were destroyed more than a decade ago.
The spokesman, Hiro Ueki, told reporters on Monday in Baghdad that Iraqi officials said the report would be submitted in about a week.
U-N and Iraqi officials met Sunday to discuss unaccounted for banned chemical and biological weapons. An advisor to Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, General Amer al-Saadi, told reporters ongoing excavations had revealed significant traces of anthrax and other toxic agents from previously destroyed weapons.
General al-Saadi also warned that Iraq might stop destroying its al-Samoud Two missiles if Baghdad believes the United States plans to go ahead with military action, even without UN approval. He said Baghdad should not have to rid the country of the weapons if the United States decides to act unilaterally.
The destruction of missiles continued today after arms inspectors returned to the site where Iraq began crushing the weapons on Saturday. Officials said six missiles were demolished today, in addition to the 10 that had been destroyed by Sunday.