Afghan Clergy Demands US Apology for Alleged Koran Abuse

Afghanistan's Islamic clergy has called on the United States to apologize to the Muslim community for the alleged desecration of the Koran by U.S. interrogators at a military prison in Guntanamo Bay.

In a resolution passed at the end of a meeting in Kabul on Tuesday, the Ulemas Council also demanded that those responsible be punished.

Last month Newsweek magazine alleged that interrogators at the prison had flushed a Koran down the toilet to make detainees talk. That report sparked deadly riots in Afghanistan and protests in a number of other countries. Newsweek later retracted the story and apologized.

Earlier this month the U.S. military said its investigation shows there were five incidents of U.S. guards mishandling the Koran, but it did not find any case where it was flushed down a toilet.