International Terrorism & South Asia 

This week’s call–in show focused on international terrorism and its expansion into South Asia. In the context of a recent terror plot in Britain and its alleged link with the terrorists in Pakistan, issues like Bombay blast, explosion in Indian parliament, several explosions and threats of terrorists’ attacks in Bangladesh were brought up.

Our guests included Dr. Abdul Momen from Framingham State College in Massachusetts and Professor Smriti Kumar Sarkar from Kalyani University in West Bengal.

Dr. Momen has presented several papers on terrorism and Dr. Sarkar has a number of research work on the issue. The guests, while answering questions from our listeners tried to look at the cause of terrorism and the role of the state as well as of the civil society in curbing terrorism. Issues relating to terrorism inside Bangladesh came up. On the eve of August 17, near-simultaneous bomb blasts took place in 63 out of 64 districts in Bangladesh.

Anis Ahmed hosted the show
