DCI’s Executive Director  Ehsan Hoque Speaks to VOA Bangla

Dr Ehsanul Hoque , the Executive Director of an NGO, Distressed Children & Infants International , in this interview says that DCI's mission is to advocate for child rights, and to help severely underprivileged children lift themselves out of poverty by providing them with basic life necessities, education, and health care.

DCI also seeks to educate American children about the challenges facing underprivileged children worldwide, and to foster in them a desire to take a leadership role in working for humanitarian causes. DCI is primarily now focusing on the distressed children of Bangladesh through US sponsorship for individual child.

DCI’s flagship program is the Sun Child Sponsorship (SCSP) Program, which has been operating in Bangladesh since 2005. Through this program, DCI is currently supporting over 800 children at four different project areas in the country.

To fulfill its mission, in addition to the Sun Child Sponsorship DCI operates several other programs. Foremost among these are its Disaster Relief Program, Childhood Blindness Prevention (CBP) Program, Health for the Underprivileged Program, and Orphan Support Program.