Palin Defends Her Experience, Jabs Obama in RNC Speech

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin spoke Wednesday night before the Republican National Convention, defending her experience as a small-town mayor and governor of Alaska and taking a swipe at the Democratic ticket.

Palin told delegates in St. Paul, Minnesota that the Democrats, in her words, "look down" on her experience.

Palin said being mayor is like being a community organizer -- "except you have actual responsibilities" -- a jab at Democratic presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama, who was a community organizer in Chicago.

Palin said she will go to Washington to serve the people of the United States, and not to seek the approval of the media and Washington elite.

She praised Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain as the right choice to be commander in chief and said he was right to support the U.S. troop surge in Iraq.

Palin is the first female Republican vice presidential candidate, but critics says the first-term governor and relative unknown is inexperienced.

After Palin's speech, the delegates formally nominated McCain the party's presidential nominees.

Obama's vice presidential candidate, Senator Joe Biden, praised Palin's delivery of her speech. But, in comments on ABC's "Good Morning America" program, he also noted she did not mention health care, education or the housing crisis.

Today’s report includes an interview with Dr. Joynul Abedin, Chairman of Bangladeshi-Americans for John McCain and Co-Chair of Asian Americans for John McCain. He described the mood of the convention and the reaction of the delegates and Republican Party faithfuls at the convention.