Obama, McCain Fight for Undecided Voters

Republican presidential candidate John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama are fighting for the support of undecided voters in critical states, just five days before the election.

Senator McCain told supporters in Ohio on Thursday that if Obama wins, Democrats will control the White House and Congress. The Arizona senator said that Democrats will raise taxes, further hurting the economy. No Republican has ever won the White House without carrying Ohio. An average of the latest Ohio polls (compiled by RealClearPolitics-dot-com) shows Obama ahead of McCain in that state.

In Florida, Senator Obama said the country must change its course and cannot endure another four years of failed economic policies. The Illinois senator is also campaigning in the states of Virginia and Missouri. Republicans won Florida, Virginia and Missouri in the last two presidential elections. But an average of state polls (compiled by Real Clear Politics.com) shows Obama leading McCain in Virginia and the two locked in very tight races in Missouri and Florida.

Nationally, an average of latest polls (compiled by Real Clear Politics-dot-com) shows Obama leads McCain by about six percentage points.