Obama Details His $3.6 Trillion Budget

U.S. President Barack Obama says his proposed $3.6 trillion budget is an "economic blueprint" for the country's future.

Opposition Republicans have criticized the proposal for raising the country's deficit. But in his weekly address Saturday, the president promises his budget will attack the problems that have dragged down the U.S. economy.

Mr. Obama says the proposal calls for investments in energy, education and health care that will lead to "a real and lasting prosperity."

He also says the budget will cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term.

On Friday, the Congressional Budget Office warned the U.S. budget deficit will balloon to more than $1.8 trillion for the 2009 fiscal year (ending September 30th). The U.S. budget experts also say the president's proposed budget will produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade.