Western Nations Deny 'Meddling' in Iran's Post-Election Violence

Western nations have strongly denied allegations by the Iranian government that they are encouraging Iran's post-election violence.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Sunday that he "categorically" rejects the idea that foreign countries are manipulating protesters in Iran.

The head of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein, also said on CNN "State of the Union" that to the best of her knowledge, "there has been no manipulation of people following the election."

On Sunday, Iran expelled the British Broadcasting Corporation's permanent correspondent in Tehran after blaming the BBC and the Voice of America of "engineering the ongoing post-election riots."

VOA Director Dan Austin rejected Iran's accusations, saying "the Voice of America is working hard to provide the people of Iran with news and information that is accurate, comprehensive and credible."

He also urged Iran's government to cease efforts "to restrict the free flow of information to their citizens." There are indications that Iran has been intermittently blocking VOA broadcasts.

Separately, Dubai-based television channel Al-Arabiya says Iran has closed its Tehran bureau indefinitely, accusing it of "unfair reporting" of the presidential election.

Also, the media rights group Reporters Without Borders is accusing Iran of arresting 23 local journalists and bloggers in the week since the presidential results.

In a statement issued Sunday, the group said Iran now ranks alongside China as the world's biggest prison for journalists.

Iranian authorities have severely restricted independent media coverage of opposition protests. Witnesses to these events are reaching out online and by telephone to report what they see on the streets.

They are relying on social media Web sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to tell the world about demonstrations and crackdowns in their cities -- and news agencies find themselves relying on the information these citizens publish.