Faruq Faisel Talks about Prospects of Democracy in Afghanistan

Faruq Faisel is the Director of a Canadian Project at Kabul. In an exclusive interview with VOA Bangla , Faruq Faisel, who is also a journalist talks about the process of democratization in Afghanistan .

He briefly assesses the situation in Afghanistan. He is very optimistic about the future of democracy in Afghanistan in spite of a few major obstacles including terrorism and the domination of War Lords .

But Faisel says that Afghan's society has democratic values beginning at the grass root level though they may not be easily understood from the Western perspectives. He talks about Loya Jirga and Shura .

Faruq Faisel thinks that the present debate on the presidential poll can easily be resolved through a run off election. He does not find any remarkable differences between two candidates except that Abdullah Abdullah , the former Foreign Minister and a formidable challenger , emphasizes on the failures of President Hamid Karzai.