Eastern US Digging Out From Major Snowstorm

Residents of the U.S. mid-Atlantic region, from North Carolina to New York, are digging their way out from as much as 60 centimeters of snow left by a major storm.

The U.S. National Weather Service said the center of the storm had moved off the coast of New England by late Sunday, but warned of winds gusting up to 65 kilometers per hour and some continuing snow as the remnants of the storm made their way through the region.

Federal agencies in Washington, D.C. area are to be closed on Monday for all but essential work.

The storm nicknamed "the shopper stopper" buried the nation's capital Saturday, interrupting what is usually one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

The storm broke all local records for a December snowfall, delivering as much snow in one storm as the national capital region normally sees in an average season.