Hello Washington: Bangladesh: Trends in Post Liberation Cinema

Today’s Call-in Show focused on the trends that Bangladesh has seen in cinema after the liberation war of 1971. The panelists are conscious of the failures of today’s cinema but they are also hopeful about the future of Bangladeshi cinema.

When asked about the lack of good cinema about the liberation war of Bangladesh, the panelists said that political unrest and the censor board affected by the changing governments in power have caused this to some extent. Now that years have gone by and the country has gained some historical distance from the war, they are hopeful that good cinema will be made regarding the war.

The panelists also discussed why women are not playing such a strong role in Bangladeshi cinema. They believe that a lot of social issues have not been tackled because of the lack of good socially conscious cinema. The rise of piracy has also set us back. If filmmakers make good cinema just for the sake of making good cinema then we can move forward. To see it as a business will only take us backwards.

The panelists were Amjad Hossain, prominent actor, filmmaker, and writer, Shamim Akhtar, filmmaker and editorial advisor of Anannya Magazine, and Mostofa Sarwar Farooqi, another renowned filmmaker of Bangladesh.