Russia, France Still Not Happy with U-S Draft on Iraq - 2002-10-22

After talks in Moscow today (Tuesday) with chief U-U inspector Hans Blix, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov complained that the new language still paves the way for the use of force and fails to meet Russian requirements.

But Mr. Blix told reporters the weapons inspectors need a stronger role and tougher rules before going back into Iraq to avoid what he called more Iraqi "cat-and-mouse" games.

French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said he believes the draft needs more balance -- and he says there is still a lot of work to do.

France and Russia -- along with Britain, China, and the United States -- are the five permanent Security Council members with the individual power to veto any resolution. Britain backs the United States, while China's position on the revised resolution is not clear.

The United States revised its original resolution because of Russian French, and Chinese objections to language calling for automatic use of force against Iraq if it fails to cooperate with U-N inspectors. They say a second resolution would be needed if Iraq violates weapons inspection rules.

U-S State Department spokesman Richard Boucher says negotiations on the draft will be complicated. But he said only a clear and strong resolution can bring Iraqi compliance.

President Bush has said the United States' goal of total disarmament and a regime change in Iraq will not change. Mr. Bush said he is willing to give diplomacy one more chance to work, but said he doubts if Saddam Hussein will ever change and give up his weapons of mass destruction.