Saudis Take Steps to Choke Off Terrorist - 2002-12-04

Saudi Arabia has released a new report outlining steps it says it has taken to choke off financing of terrorists.

The steps include financial audits of Saudi charities and a government agency to oversee their operations.

In presenting the report Tuesday, Saudi foreign policy advisor Adel al-Jubeir said his country has broken up 33 al-Qaida cells and has frozen more than five-million dollars in assets.

Mr. al-Jubeir says Saudi authorities have questioned more than two-thousand people about alleged terrorist connections, and more than 100 suspects are in jail.

He said the fact that 15 of the 19 September 11th hijackers were Saudis was Osama bin Laden's attempt to destroy U-S / Saudi relations.

The move follows reports that donations from the wife of Riyadh's ambassador in Washington may have been diverted to two of the September 11th hijackers.

Mr. Al-Jubeir says Saudis feel maligned by charges from U-S lawmakers that the country is not doing all it can to fight terror.

But he said the quiet and inward nature of the Saudi government is also at fault, saying officials should have publicized their efforts in fighting terrorism.

The White House has called Saudi Arabia a good partner in the war on terrorism, but says it could do more.

The F-B-I is investigating the charitable contribution made by the wife of the Saudi ambassador.

Saudi officials say it is outrageous to suggest that a member of the royal family would deliberately send money to terrorists.