Shi'ite Militiamen in Baghdad Turn in Weapons - 2004-10-11

Followers of radical Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have begun handing in weapons as part of a peace deal.

Officials in Baghdad's Sadr City today, Monday, said fighters were turning in guns, mortar launchers and ammunition to area police stations. After the five-day long arms transfer, Iraqi security forces are to take over security in the mostly Shi'ite district.

Meanwhile, a suicide bomber attacked a U.S. military convoy in the northern city of Mosul, killing one U.S. soldier and two Iraqis. After the blast, the U.S. military said insurgents fired on troops from a nearby mosque.

In the western town of Hit, the U.S. military said it called for airstrikes on a local mosque after rebels hiding inside fired on U.S. troops.

In southern Baghdad, a rocket attack killed two American soldiers.