Amnesty: 20 Years Later, Still No Justice For Bhopal Gas Disaster Victims - 2004-11-30

Amnesty International says tens of thousands of survivors of a massive industrial gas leak in India 20 years ago are still being denied compensation and medical assistance.

The rights group says no one has been held responsible for the 1984 gas leak at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. It says at least 20,000 people have died and 100,000 are suffering from chronic illnesses.

Amnesty says Union Carbide, which was later bought by Dow Chemical, has also failed to identify exactly what chemicals were released.

The companies deny responsibility for damage caused by the leak. But Union Carbide did provide a 470 million dollar settlement to the Indian government, a fraction of which has been so far distributed to the survivors. India's supreme court ordered the government in July to distribute the remaining funds.