অ্যাকসেসিবিলিটি লিংক

প্রফেসার আনিসূজ্জামানের সাক্ষ্যহকার , নিয়েছেন সরকার কবীরূদ্দীন

সরাসরি লিংক

Interview/with Professor Emeritus of University of Dhaka Professor Anisuzzaman who talks about the first ever World Bengalee(Bangla speaking people)conference being held in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The conference is being sponsored by West-based Bengalee speaking people. The Three day conference was inaugurated by Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Sunday. Professor Anisuzzaman says this conference symbolizes the very spirit of Bengalee nationalism that embodies three basic elements-Bangla language, Bangla culture and the homogenous country Bangladesh where from the foot-heels of Tentulia to the shore line of Bay of Bengal every single soul speaks the same language-Bangla, very dear to all Bengalee speaking people all over the world. It may be mentioned here that this month of February is observed by all Bengalee speaking people remembering the language martyrs day of 21st February that ushered the very movement that ultimately created a new independent country now known as Banglad