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Rohingya Broadcast 03.31.2020

Rohingya Broadcast 03.31.2020
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News headlines · Global coronavirus infections surpass 800,000 confirmed cases, with almost 39,000 deaths · Italy’s death toll climbed by 812 on Monday, reversing declines · In Myanmar’s Rakhine state, internet blackout leaves people unaware of infection risk · Pakistan’s coronavirus death toll reaches 26 Shortwave, 31-meter band 9310 kHz 25-meter band, 11570 kHz, 12030 kHz Report: Mohammed Hussain Topic: People start sewing face masks to protect against COVID-19. Summary: Prominent names in New York’s fashion industry and in Detroit’s auto shops are beginning production of face masks, The New York Times and other news organizations report. But individuals also are getting into production. YouTube is brimming with instructional videos – including some from medical groups appealing for homemade masks. One video brings an appeal from a health facility in the Midwestern state of Iowa; a clinic in the neighboring state of Wisconsin posted written step-by-step instructions. Coronavirus PSA: Mohammad Rukon Uddin Report: Sabera Begum (Cox’s Bazar) Topic: A BRAC volunteer helps fix housing and street problems. Translation summary: Nur Alam helps get housing and neighborhood problems fixed in Teknaf’s Camp 27 (Jadimura). He volunteers with BRAC, an NGO once known as the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee. He is responsible for finding out what shelters need repair and what areas need solar lights in Block B1. The 32-year-old man came from Shidda Para, a community in Myanmar’s Maungdaw township, fleeing in August 2017. The solar street lighting improves safety. So do leaflets and posters distributed in the area warning people how to reduce risks of COVID-19 infection.


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