অ্যাকসেসিবিলিটি লিংক

The Role of Citizens in Addressing Corruptions in Bangladesh : US Embassy Seminar

As a part of a series of two day seminars on the good governance in Bangladesh , organized by the US Embassy in Dhaka a seminar was held on the role of citizens in addressing corruptions in Bangladesh.

The speakers said that an environment of impunity created by lack of governance and accountability of the government coupled with an environment of resignation by the people, has encouraged corruption hampering the development process and undermining justice and the value system in the country.

The speakers suggested widespread media campaign for creating awareness among the people, formation of anti-corruption citizens' committees across the country, creation of demand for policy reform among the people, and making the state machinery effective for elimination of corruption.

The keynote paper was read by Iftekhar Zaman, executive director of Transparency International Bangladesh
