Bangladeshis in four city corporations and nine municipalities will cast their vote on Monday. The vote will take place under tight security. Over 13.67 lakh people will be voting.
Of 715 polling stations, 579 are for city corporations and the rest for municipalities. Fifty-nine candidates are competing for mayoral posts, 429 for 81 councillor posts, and 120 for 27 reserved women seats in Naohata, Dupchanchia, Chuadanga, Sripur, Manikganj, Fulbaria, Shariatpur, Golapganj and Sitakunda municipalities.
Over 5,500 local and international observers will monitor the polls.
Electioneering ended at midnight on Saturday. Our reporter in Dhaka, Amir Khasru, spoke to reporters in the four city corporations and Election Commissioner Sakhawat Hossain.