He made this remark while talking
to reporters after opening the selling of nomination forms to the candidates
for reserved seats at the party's Dhanmondi Office.
Referring to over two-third
majority of the grand alliance in the ninth parliament, he said, "We will
amend the constitution in time so that women candidates can come to next
parliament by direct election instead of reserved seats."
Syed Ashraful said, a number of
women MPs of the AL-lead grand alliance Mohajote
have come to the present
parliament through direct election. "We want that more women MPs will come
to parliament by direct election," he added.
He said, the Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina has made women in-charge of important ministries including home
and foreign affairs for the first time in the history of Bangladesh.
Besides this Sheikh Hasina has
been elected as leader of the house, he said adding the party has also elected
a woman as deputy leader of the house.