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Bush Says Iraq Poses Threats to Free Nations - 2003-03-07

President Bush says free nations will assume immense and unacceptable risks if the world fails to confront the Iraqi regime.

Speaking late Thursday at the White House in a nationally televised news conference, Mr. Bush said Saddam Hussein possesses "weapons of terror," and that the Iraqi president funds, trains and offers safe haven to terrorists.

The president said he will not leave the United States and the rest of the world at the mercy of Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction.

Mr. Bush said the United States must deal with the threat of weapons of mass destruction while it traces down al-Qaida terrorists.

He praised U.S. and Pakistani officials for last week's capture of high-ranking al-Qaida operative Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the so-called mastermind of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States.

Washington blames al-Qaida for the September 11th attacks.

Mr. Bush also said the best way to solve the North Korea crisis is through multi-lateral action involving countries directly affected by Pyongyang's nuclear threat.

He said such countries as Japan, China, South Korea and Russia must stand up to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.