October 8, 2013

Snowdrifts create a beautiful setting as a man tries to dig out his driveway on Bowen Rd in Lancaster, N.Y. A lake-effect snow storm dumped over five feet of snow in areas across Western New York. Another two to three feet of snow is expected in the area, bringing snow totals to over 100 inches, almost a years' worth of snow in three days.

The Brazilian booth during a media presentation for the upcoming book fair in Frankfurt, Germany.

The new U.S. $100 bill is introduced by Michelle Scipione, vice president of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank Cash Services Department, during an event at the Benjamin Franklin National Memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

A visitor walks along the exhibition titled "Man and Power in Russia in the XIX-XXI centuries" at the State Museum of Political History of Russia in St. Petersburg. The exhibition is a large-scale innovative project to create a complete image of the Russian political history of two centuries.